Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The teacher let me use his computer :)

Subbing in advisory class is a great opportunity to blog :)

Realizing today I have had SO much in my mind recently... thoughts on God, what I believe about Him... what I've learned about Him the past few months (going to synagogue) the past year (during Mission Year) and my entire life (rediscovering entries in this blog)... I feel like I'm slowly being reminded that, as long as my desire is for more and more of the revelation of who God really is and how I can give my life to Him, live how Hes asked us to live, and seeking salvation from Him alone, that's a pretty great life. I struggle allot with wanting to know everything... and wanting to know the absolute truth about things, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but can quickly become a bad thing when knowing and proclaiming the truth is coming out of pride and control, things that I KNOW for a FACT are the OPPOSITE of Yeshuas character and God's desire for us to be... Everything with God and life is so dichomotic.. there are 2 extremes that are both the same or we have to somehow live in the the middle of them.... with so many things... law/grace... responsibility/Gods sovereignty... strength/weakness.... the list goes on.

King Solomon puts it so well...
Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh. The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.
       Ecclesiastes 12:12-14
There are SO many other things that have been on my mind as well that I don't have time to divulge fully of as well...

...Seattle (how much I stinkin' miss it)...
...Houston (how much I stinkin' miss it)...

That the tip of the iceberg.... maybe I should do a blog entry on eacha those...

P.S. About to re-launch my website: checkr' out :)

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