Monday, May 30, 2011

Right now

I feel I keep royaly skrewing up...


Maybe God is making me lose all confidence in my ability (I hope)

Or maybe something else... all I know is that the past few weeks I feel I've digress a few years...

Failure hurts. Am I really failing?

I can be SO hard on myself...

But I am SUCH a people pleaser.

What part is me getting it right and needing to get over people not agreeing and where is it I'm completely wrong and need to listen to advice?

Thats my prayer right now God, I need direction. I need to know Your Spirits voice

(I know this also might just be Satan trying to mess with me before I leave..)

I just know there's an unsettledness in my heart right now... and its no fun.

Please... God would you make Your desires mine... OH that I would hide Your word in my heart that I might not sin against you...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

God is changing me

I cannot desribe

Take me away Yahweh