Saturday, June 6, 2015

Shining underneath

Though I've been told by friends that I am a sympathetic person...

sometimes I really have a hard time crying.

I think it might be because in the past I made myself be "the strong one" (oximoron really -) in situations for people, feeling that if I cried the person would feel like there was no control over the situation. Now that I've "toughened up" I find it hard to shed a tear with someone in their moment of suffering. This is something I've realized and am praying for God to help me with, especially seeing as I feel God call me to a lifetime of living ministerially/missionally.

I love it when something beautiful pierces your heart in such a way that you can't help but release the beautiful gift of tears. - All - of this, every time... is from God. - Every - time it happens, it happens because He either exposes us to a new aspect of Himself or refreshes us on something already known

While studying scripture today and listening to a sermon, I was reminded about both our propensity to sin (reading in 1 Samuel 14 - 15 about all of Saul's blunders: his almost obedience to God and how God really desires our obedience to Him greater than our gifts to Him) our call to being set apart, our inability to be absolutely perfect and our being made in the image of YHWH.

Later on I was surfing around iTunes and realized that my favorite (I really have about 3 favorites) musician already came out with the EP that I (and thousands of others) have been waiting for for years! I hurriedly click preview all on iTunes listened at his thoughtful and intentional music and lyrics spoke. As I listened to the song below, I pondered how messy, incredible, screwed up, awe-inspiring we people are. And just pondering that alone, as well as this amazingly incredible journey the Master is taking those who choose to walk with Him on, I broke down.

It was the song entitled, "All God's Children"

When the things that you can’t hold onto
Are the ones that you wish you could keep
Are you really ready to pay for love
If it costs you everything
- Chorus -
All of God’s children
All of God’s children
Shining underneath
Shining underneath
I believe in a world that’s beyond me
I believe in a world I ain’t seen
Past the glass
The shotgun shacks
The violent, faceless, racist facts
I believe in a world that’s made clean
- Chorus -
All of God’s children
All of God’s children
Shining underneath
Shining underneath
Underneath these scars
Underneath these wars
Underneath the bullet holes
We still don’t know who we are
It’s shining underneath
Oh I’ve been waiting for love to give birth
For new life to show pain it’s worth
Oh I’ve been waiting for peace on earth
- Chorus -
Like a newborn child,
Like a newborn child
Shining underneath
Is there a well that won’t run empty
Is there a friend that can’t be bought
Will you find him when you’re thirsty
To learn the lessons that can’t be taught
(emphasis mine)
- Chorus -
All of God’s children
Shining underneath
Shining underneath

If you think about it, please be praying for me as my (still yet unknown) moving to PNG date is approaching and I am seeking to prepare myself both physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and in every other way.

Thank you dear friends :)

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