Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Deleting my account off of a popular social networking website (Twitter) and had some great quotes saved on it... so I want to preserve some of them on here... :D

Owl City

My dad sent me a postcard with a picture of planet Earth taken from space. On the back he wrote, "Wish you were here." #GoodOneDad

C.H. Spurgeon
"Great hearts can only be made by great troubles."

Holly Starr

I just ate chili..and now I'm feeling chilly.. Coincidence? I think NOT! #coincidenceisnotakosherword

Women of Jerusalem, promise me by the gazelles & the deer not to awaken or excite my feelings of love until it is ready.Song of Solomon 3:5
Paul Washer

The Christian life is not filled with many great things, but rather with many small things that add up to something great.

We have a beautiful snow coming down in Radford this afternoon. My children could not be happier. We will try to sledding this evening.

Nothing is more powerful than a revelation of God's kindness to a needy soul. His love breaks more than hammers and wounds more than whips.

God helped me this morning in prayer. Oftentimes when we run from God when we most need to seek Him. I am always overwhelmed by grace.

Man plans his steps, but the Lord is sovereign over all. All my peace rests upon the knowledge that He is all-good, all-wise, all-powerful.
An inward look is necessary, but do not tarry long. It is dangerous to take one's eyes off of Christ. Always examine self in light of grace.

Dear brothers, I encourage you to meet with the Lord today. Renew your mind in the Word and cry to Him for the grace to live as you ought.
A W Tozer

"God expects of us only what He Himself has supplied."

Dylan Williams

"Let's rock the flock!" -Holly's pastor
Hi Quincy. You're a nice town.
Louie Giglio

My friend Mike [AKA-Ashley's dad from Fruitcake and Ice Cream] is celebrating his first birthday as a Jesus-follower today!

jack mooring

The danger, is thinking that we have anything good to offer this world outside of the grace and goodness of God. Apart from Him, NOTHING

Matt Chandler

Meditating on Ecclesiastes 7 and 1 Corinthians 15 as I prepare my heart to enter the "house of mourning" which "is the end of all men"

Singing "You hold me now" with 1000 Villagers makes me want to go on home

Passionately pleading with people to hear and apply the Gospel never gets old to me

Britt Merrick

When your consider yourself (good or bad) you should immediately consider Christ. For self should never be pondered apart from Him
Jon Foreman

Just singing into my laptop... Mydemo mydemo mydemo

Breath is an amazing gift, given to us for a few years then taken away. I need a reminder of it's value from time to time.
C. S. Lewis

In science we have been reading only the notes to a poem; in Christianity we find the poem itself.
D.L. Moody
A holy life will produce the deepest impression. Lighthouses blow no horns; they only shine

Oswald Chambers

All of our fears are sinful, & we create our own fears by refusing to nourish ourselves in our faith

Haa. Just found out im genetically impossible :-) lol.
"Im not a calzone... The last time i checked!"
Life is like pizza. When its good, its great. When its bad, its still pretty good.

Mike Donehey

A friend just reminded me that you can no more produce love in yourself than you can grow an apple out of your arm. God must do it in us.
Colossians 1 says the gospel is bearing fruit. Galatians 5 says the fruit of the Spirit is.. The fruit we produce is not our own. It's Gods

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