Thursday, March 25, 2010

An Open Honest Ramble of Words...

I am so confused...

Ever since I've gotton back from Israel somethings been different in my spirit... but I can't tell you what it is... I dont even know what it is. He is TRULY starting to change my desires... and its royally freaking me out. Thinking about thing that use to bring me much joy and happiness which I should not have been thinking about at that time now... its hard for me to get pass a fleeting thought of it. Its really REALLY crazy to me... and I feel this deep seeded excited feeling most of the time. And my doctrine... yeah I dont even know the specifics of what I believe anymore. Its a mix of every Christian denomination and Judasim... lol. Whats even more strange and unbelievably encouraging to me is... I think God is impressing me that its ok to not have all that stuff figured out at this point... What is happening??? I think everyone who went on this trip (especially Holly... at least Im guessing so because I've talked with her the most about it) feels about the same way... Praise God for His soverignty is all I can say!

And tell me something... WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS COUNTRY?? Yes the healthcare bill passed.. and I dont know enough about that subject to have a huge oppinion on it... I know my family isnt too happy about it... but today a headline on the news read something like "US Conflict with Israel"... that is the absolute last thing I wanted to see on the news today... dont we understand?
"Cursed be anyone who curses you, and blessed be anyone who blesses you" Genesis 27:29
Want anymore proof? Just look at the HUNDREDS of people groups... not just people... people GROUPS who cursed Israel who are not in existance anymore... I had a feeling growing up that I would live to see the very end of the world... And no I'm not saying Obama is the antichrist or all that it says in the Left Behind  series is going to come about... I'm not saying thoes things at all. And who knows, I might not see the very end...


The end is well underway. Earthquakes in various places, nations rising up against other nations, "all these are the beginning of birth pains." Matthew 24:8

Good news and bad news... trail, pain, PERSECUTION, suffering unlike anything ever felt before

Good news?

GOD IS COMING, in His fullness and Glory...

And one of the biggest things I've learned... is that... now I havent mastered this by any stretch of the imagination... if I am saved forever or not... if I am damned to Hell or not... I can REST ASSURED because God is Holy, God is Soveriegn and God is going to do what He is going to do. All I am truly called to do/be/accomplish in the small, short, seemingly insignifigant life I'm given is to
Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength and love your neighbor as yourself.

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