Monday, January 4, 2010

One step forward, two steps back

Isn't that just how life is? Isn't that how our walk with God is? We come to a place where we think we know it all, God then shows us we don't. We don't at all.

I just got back from a great weekend with some of my best friends and met some new amazing people. God has shown me SO much from these people. He's given me a greater revelation of His presence, a greater fuller understanding of His body/ family/ church. He's revealed even more sin I need to confess and bring before Him and repent of. He has confimed to me the huge, overwhelming need for me to WAIT on Him durring this time of uncertanty and unknownness (if thats a word...) about many things in my life right now. And it seems when I do wait... He just proves Himself that much more faithful than I thought He was. Most importantly, He has shown me though an extremely wise man named Jerry who I met that THE most important thing in life to remember and do is NOT: doing good things, trying not to do bad things, being right about everything, having all knowledge, telling people they are wrong, having the best life or repentance... it is simply this:

remain in the Vine
Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.  John 15:4-6
All those things that mentioned above come flowing out of you if you do that one thing. Making sure you are constantly drawing from, dwelling with, crying out to, looking at the life of, comparing your life to, meditating on, filling your mind soul and life with:

J E S U S  C H R I S T

I have so many questions about my future. Will I finally learn from all of these huge mistakes I've made? Where am I going with this life? Will I live here forever or live in different places? What will I be doing? Who will I be doing it with? Will I ever stop being so selfish, idoloutrous and judgmental?? (I hope so) Will I get married? Will I ever go to Africa? What will happen to my family?

But in thoes rare and beautiful moments of pure clarity, all I can see is the Person/God/King named about: Jesus Christ. And then, nothing else matters. They really don't.

Are you upset with yourself? Are you upset with life? Are you upset with someone else? Are you scared about what's to come? Are you just beat up and downtrodden in general?

If you know Him, seek Him once again. Ask Him only for one thing: Himself. And I promise you will find that He is everying. All justice and mercy are found completed in Him. And that is beutiful wonderful news friends

This blog entry is brought you by a beautiful trip with Holly Starr, one of my best friends and sister in Christ, Josh Garrells who's music I was listening to while writting this blog, Bible Gateway they are SUCH a great resource and:


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