Thursday, October 1, 2009

Whats been going through my head


God of the Universe...

am i Yours?

I have begun to see in Your Word to what extent the heinous crime of sin really is... I also have begun to see just how much you cannot stand for it. You see it as pussy oozing sore (Isaiah 1:6) and vomit (Proverbs 26:11). Even my good deeds... my good deeds... to you its a soiled dirty tampon (Isaiah 64:6). Oh God... oh Lord God how... how misserable I am. Do I hate this sin? Do I HATE this vomit... these filthy oozing sores of mine. If I truley, with eyes opened wide looked at myself and looked at you, these things are what I would be without You. Oh Jesus... you say without a doubt all over Your Word that if You inhabbit a person they are changed. Their desires, motives and ACTIONS will begin to take a great change. OH JESUS... is that me?

Now... I have seen changes in my life. SIGNIFAGANT changes in what I will, or even what I enjoy allowing myself to watch/read/listen to. I truley have began to find a hatred for sinful things. But oh how I still struggle... oh dear friends... ESPECIALLY those of you who call yourselves "Christians" and claim Christ Jesus...

T  E  S  T    Y  O  U  R    S  E  L  V  E  S
                   1 JOHN 3

I BEG and PLEAD with you... go through the Bible... ESPECIALLY the parts that you don't agree with. Because, you gotta know it makes NO SENSE WHAT-SO-EVER to take only parts of the Bible litterally! (2 Timothy 3:16) Notice how this verse says  A L L . Not most, ALL and you cant skip that part!! So please... read your Bible! Have the changes stated in the Bible began showing up in your life? (Romans 6:19) (Hebrews 10:14) (1 Corinthians 6:11) (Romans 6:22) (and SO much more) If not.. GET DOWN ON YOUR FACE AND PRAY... This is no small deal. SIN is the problem you guys... S I N is the problem. And not anyone elses but you're own sin and my own sin. God did not hide His face from Jesus when He was on the cross because He felt sorry for Him. He did it because MY and YOUR NASTY, UGLY, PEAUTRID, DISPICABLE, DAMNABLE, DIRTY sin... was all He could see. "But the LORD was pleased to crush Him"... (Isaiah 53:10) That is how just God is... do you know how wonderful, beautiful and poweful Jesus is? The universe was made, THROUGH Him, BY Him AND FOR Him. The birds sing for HIM the sun rises for HIM yours and my heart beats for HIM... oh the love that God the Father has for Jesus... it is more than any human could take. He takes great pleasure in Him (Matthew 3:17) The pure unfiltered love God has for His Son would kill me on the spot by the sheer magnitude of it... Yet it pleased the LORD... to crush Him...

Oh yeah... I say to myself I dont sin too bad... Thinking to much about a guy... laughing at a dirty joke here and there...



Now because of that, I can be fully loved my the Most High... Oh the great love and justice of God... all I am saying through this (and I'm saying it mainly to myself)... just check yourself. If there is a definate and notable change in your life from how you were before Christ, that is very good. The biggest sign is... do you hate that you just laughed at that joke? Do you hate that you just spent a good 20 minutes daydreaming about things that you shouldnt? If you DO hate it... that is a very good sign. Now if you dont... pray to God for mercy. And if you feel no shame for any of this what-so-ever... stop claiming Christ and just go on your own way... (Like I said... I'm telling this mainly to myeslf)...

Save me Lord

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